
Are Sleeping Bags Comfortable?

Years ago I went group camping and had a friend ask if sleeping bags are comfortable. They were somewhat of a “picky sleeper” and they wanted to make sure they were comfortable. Well, we started talking about the various types of sleeping bags, how comfortable they were, and even some sleeping bag alternatives.

The trick to sleeping comfy in your bag isn’t just to just pick something off the shelf. That can work, but there are different materials, shapes, and temperature ratings to be aware of. And this is what this article will help you with – how to pick a comfortable sleeping bag and tricks for sleeping more comfortably in it.

So are sleeping bags comfortable? Most people are comfortable with sleeping bags. However, some may find them restricting, too warm, or too cold. The material used in the sleeping bag is also a factor when it comes to comfort. If sleeping bags aren’t comfortable, blankets can be a great alternative.

Being Comfortable in Your Sleeping Bag

So when you ask, “how comfortable are sleeping bags?”, there are a few things to look at. Will a sleeping bag be as comfortable sleeping in your bed with a blanket? Probably not. If you’re looking for something long term, you could probably get used to a sleeping bag every night, but it wouldn’t be my first choice.

Still, even though I’m camping for only a few nights and could deal with it, I still prefer to use blankets. I find sleeping bags too restricting and temperature control is harder. I’m constantly having to zip and unzip my bag and can’t stick my feet out.

If you’re car camping, I actually recommend blankets over sleeping bags. However, if you are looking at a sleeping bag, I’ll show you which ones are the most comfortable.

PS – I even put together an article on using blankets when camping, so be sure to check it out!

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Sleeping Bag Material and Comfort

One of the most important factors to look at when it comes to comfort levels is the type of material. Different materials are going to feel differently against your skin. They will also be different thicknesses and some even more “noisy” than others.


The sleeping bag lining is the part of the sleeping bag that you’ll feel against your skin. Just like how different blankets have different feels to them, so do sleeping bags.

Here’s a summary of the different types of sleeping bag lining and which are the most comfortable:

  • Synthetic: These are linings such as nylon, polyester, and taffeta. Since these are synthetic, they aren’t the most comfortable choice.
  • Blends: Having a blend of different fabrics can make the lining more comfortable. This is usually polycotton, which is a blend of cotton and synthetic material. The more cotton, the more comfortable the lining will be.
  • Silk: Silk lining is considered to be very comfortable, though it is less durable so it’s not the best choice for a rugged outing.


Another big factor in sleeping bag comfort is the type of insulation. Insulation is the material situated between the sleeping bag’s outer shell and its lining. This retains and maintains heat.

Here are some types of insinuation

  • Down: Down is basically goose feathers. They are super light and easily compressible. It also keeps the temperature consistent longer than a synthetic filler, which means you’ll feel more comfortable longer. Down is also very easy to move in. The drawback to down is that when wet it loses its insulation ability pretty quickly. 
  • Synthetic: The synthetic filler is more often than not less expensive than down sleeping bags. It also retains heat even when wet. It still doesn’t perform as well when it comes to comfort level compared to down, but it can be a great alternative. 

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Different Shapes

For me, what makes sleeping bags the most uncomfortable is that they are restricting. I can’t move in them or curl up as easily.

Here’s the different shapes of sleeping bags and how comfortable they are:

  • Rectangle: This sleeping bags are the most roomy and are great for car camping or if you’re staying somewhere else indoors that doesn’t’ have blankets. They can even be unzipped fully and used more like a quilt or blanket.
  • Mummy: These mummy shaped sleeping bags are designed to keep you warmer. This means they’ll take the shape of you body and leave you with little room to move around. However, they are a lot warmer than rectangle bags.

Temperature Ratings and Male/Female Bags

I once had a friend who borrows a sleeping bag to go summer camping. Little did he know it was a winter sleeping bag! The bag had him be so warm that he woke up sweating and couldn’t sleep in the bag anymore. So if you do go with a sleeping bag, be sure to pay attention to the temperature ratings.

Temperature ratings on bags can be super confusing. In the US, there’s no standard for temperature ratings. Usually, you’ll want a slightly warmer bag than what you plan on using it for. Also, take into consideration if you are a warm sleeper or cold sleeper.

And to make matters even more confusing, there are even male and female sleeping bags.

While not always, most often men and women have different body temperatures. Sleeping bags that cater specifically to women can be helpful for your body type. 

Nowadays a temperature rating system can be found in sleeping bags by companies such as Marmot, Sierra Designs, and REI. 

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What About Allergies?

Allergies are another point to consider. If you are allergic to down or any other type of martial in the sleeping bag, it’s not going to be comfortable at all.

Down can sometimes cause allergies, not because of the actual down feathers, but because of the dust mites that get lodged in the filler. 

If the fill power is higher than 850, the down will be the highest quality of clean and most likely won’t have those allergy-causing mites. 

A synthetic sleeping bag is a solution if you feel your down sleeping bag is causing problems. 


You may be able to get away with not having a sleeping bag at all if you feel their comfort level isn’t up to par.

Blankets and quilts are a great option. I rarely bring a sleeping bag camping anymore as I prefer blankets. I find sleeping bags too restricting. Blankets are much easier to move around in.

Aside from using blankets, here are some other ways to get a comfy sleep:

  • Air Mattress: This is a super portable option and can somewhat mimic the feeling of a normal bed. It’s large enough to fit more than one more person and you can adjust the air level to fit your need.
  • Sleeping Pad: These are thin foam pads that you could use in connection with your sleeping pad but are perfectly capable of providing some comfort by themselves. You’ll definitely need a sleeping pad if you are sleeping on the ground.
  • Cot: This portable bed folds out and sits on four legs, similar to an actual bed. You’ll have a good distance between your mattress and the ground, and you should be able to place this in any sort of terrain and still be comfortable.


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Sleeping Bag Comfort Tips

If you’re still set on using a sleeping bag but want to increase the comfort level, here are a couple of options to maximize your comfort:

  • Add a sleeping pad
  • Bring pillows
  • Choose flat ground
  • Wear comfortable clothes

These options can make your experience as comfortable as possible and start your camping lifestyle out on the right foot.

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